This is what functional neurology is all about, observation, understanding, application and observation again.Dr Mane is a D.
What else are we seeing with this child? His hyperactivity has improved, his temper tantrums have improved and he has not had a bowel or bladder accident in several weeks. That is, they would operate to address the length of the eye The teacher states that he is having improved attention.htm. However, you can be aware that vestibular issues are common in children with autism spectrum disorders.
. That is, that the muscle was shortened due to faulty neurologic integration.manecenter. He is considered a pioneer in the use of Hemispheric Integration Therapy for the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders. We see that many children on the autism spectrum in fact do have functional vestibular lesions as part of their problem and presentation.N (Defeat Autism Now) doctor.
He has sub specialty training in childhood neurobehavioral disorders as well as vestibular disorders and electro diagnostics. Are his eyes misaligned at rest? Is there any change in the alignment of his eyes with eye movement? Is there any involuntary movement of his eyes? Are his eye movements smooth and not ratchet like? Is his head tilted or rotated? Does the tilt and/or rotation improve when he closes his eyes? Does the child get dizzy easily? If you spin him in various directions, does he have an appropriate vestibular response?
By assessing function and determining where the issue lies, we can begin to formulate a treatment plan that will stimulate that pathway that is under functioning using the concepts of neural plasticity.Hitautism. Nelson Mane and his unique approach combining functional medicine with Hemispheric Integration Therapy go to www. His teacher relates that this past week was the first time that the child was able to do his writing work at school.
Incidentally noted was a misalignment of the eyes. There was another clue in this child's history that made it apparent that this was a functional lesion. He also played ball with his father for the first time in his And now hopefully this is something you are aware of and can observe. There was an issue with all the neurologic inputs to the muscle that help determine what it's normal resting length should be. That is to say, we cannot see the strengthening connections from his vestibular nucleus to his cerebellum for example but we can see the alignment of his eyes improving. and his treatment approach for ASD go to http://www.C. This is a simple clue to the functional neurology practitioner that indicates that the misalignment was not in fact a structurally short eye muscle but a functionally short eye muscle. He wrote seven words. This child had had three surgeries to correct the misalignment of his eyes.A. We know that the cerebellar and vestibular systems are intimately involved with balance and coordination. We know that the number one comorbidity associated with autism spectrum disorders is in coordination. This occurred three times.
So we know that the eye misalignment was not his primary complaint or what was a the greatest concern to his parents. Nelson Mane, D. We determined that there was an issue with the neurologic feedback system and the neurologic control of the length of the muscle. He has tantrums and can become aggressive. He can be very intelligent in particular with regard to things that he enjoys such as dinosaurs and maps. By addressing this functional vestibular lesion as well as other associated neurological dysfunction that we were able to pick up on his examination, the child has made other improvements which are more in line with what his parents brought him in for. He was one of 11 doctors out of 60,000 chosen by the American Chiropractic Association to start the first Chiropractic neurology board back in 1989.
So we can evaluate the child's neurologic system as well as his vestibular system? Here are some things that we might look for. The misalignment would correct temporarily and then return.
To explain how the vestibular system may be interrelated with issues such as hyperactivity, tantrums and social deficiencies is beyond the scope of this article. In this case, we determined that the muscle was functionally short. For more information regarding Dr. But was this misalignment of the eyes really just an incidental finding or was it really a great clue as to where this child's functional lesion originated from. He is a picky eater. Manifestations of vestibular malfunctions such Yoga mat as misalignment of the eyes may be related neurologically to symptoms being expressed as autism spectrum disorder and not an unrelated incidental finding. He has some sensitivity to sounds and dysgraphia.He is also hyperactive. He has difficulty with social situations.
Dr Nelson Mane is a chiropractic physician certified in both chiropractic orthopedics and neurology.
For more information about Dr. However, it is an interesting and observable window into the physiologic changes that can be made with the appropriate functional treatment of his nervous system.